ELISIR PRODUCTOR [ International Patent Made in Italy ] An
effective instrument for activation and |
ELISIR PRODUCTOR: F. Benveniste (French biologist): F. Grander (Austrian hydrologist): Magnetization (and cancellation) of previous information, accumulated over time (and maintained despite chemical purification). V. Schauberger (German hydrologist): Activation of water via spiral (planetary) flow dynamics of the silver propeller. G. Lakhoski (Polish physicist): Sterilization of water as a result of contact with the silver. Masaru Emoto (Japanese hydrologist): Harmonising information on (magnetically cleaned up) water via imprinting of the silver spiral. P.L. Ighina (assistant to G. Marconi): Choice of aluminium as main material in observance of magnetic atom theory. The costruction principles of Elisir Productor bring together all the conceptual arguments of the respective scientific theories put forward by above-mentioned scientists and researchers. After 8 - 12 weeks of using Elisir Productor these synergic effects allow the individual to “regenerate and clean” the water contained in his/her body (65-70% of body mass), energising both body (strengthened by proper metabolism) and mind (in accordance with the findings of Rudolf Steiner, who believes that water is the key vehicle of self-awareness). The user can then continue to enjoy those benefits for at least 10 years.